It was a cool start to the day, but there was a hint of things improving as the morning wore on. Most of us gathered early on for bacon butties in the clubhouse - plus some team bonding - and national colours were issued to display in the team photos.
First group out were Gordon and I against Syd and Raymond Orr, making his debut in this competition - migrating to the R.o.W. team on the strength of his extensive overseas work experience in Africa and Asia:
Match 2 looked like it had the potential to be a close contest:
Match 3 was the first ever mixed four to take part in The Challenge, with the Cooks and the Taylors on opposite sides of the fence from their spouses - "Thai-chie" representing USA this year:
Match 4 had the makings of an interesting contest, with Alison Sharp and Janice Fulford both grateful that it was 4 ball better ball and not foursomes they had to play:
With apologies to teams 5-7, we now jump forward to the 2nd green, where there was a bit of excitement at Syd's beautiful drive, which covered the flag all the way. As it got ever nearer to the pin, Syd was heard to cry "don't go in, don't go in" - then "oh s**t"!
The rest of us were a lot more excited than Syd was - a mild wave for the camera was as much as we got from the Maestro:
Back in the clubhouse after the match was over, he looked a bit more relaxed participating in the traditional dram:
It had become a beautiful morning and the early starters gathered on the balcony to cheer/jeer the later teams home:
Team 5 got there in the end:
and I managed to get a distant shot of (most of) Team 6 on the last:
But what about Team 7? No photograph, I'm afraid, but they were to play a major part in the outcome of the trophy. Despite earlier instructions - most particularly from one McWhinnie to another over breakfast - the last group of Ladies were spotted walking off the course at the Doo'cot, thinking the match was over, with Scotland recording a 3 & 2 victory. John wasn't having that - "get back out there", he said - "you need to finish all 18 holes".
The drama unfolds later.
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