Just a quick blog posting - and one team photo from last night's snackette:
Everyone (including me) seems to be having trouble viewing Rob's photos so I've asked him to send them to me under separate cover and I'll post them on the blog for viewing there.
The story of the season will follow later, but everyone knows that both Keith and I failed in our mission to usurp Mr. Sharp's stronghold, despite the fact that he didn't have a great evening and, in pontoon/blackjack terms, he "stuck" rather than twisted.
The rest of last night's stats:
- Jack's second win of the season and his second 40 pointer
- Out of nowhere in 2nd place last night and with his first 40 pointer of the season was Hugh
- Jack's 43 points equalled the record for the season set by Steve a month ago
- Gary's gross 70 was the best of the season - knocking me off the top!
- Rob's 3rd DoD this year was also the highest DoD score of the season - 30
More to follow in due course
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