Tuesday, 9 November 2010

IC XII - day 2

From http://bsvgolf.blogspot.com/

I neglected to show Monday's winner receiving his prize, so here he is:

Tuesday was the first of Richard's days of rest, so Les met us at Nuevo Portil and took his place:

Malcolm faced an interesting challenge with this shot:

We were in rather futuristic looking, space age buggies:

The weather turned about half way round the course and we got a bit of a soaking. Waterproofs were donned, but Archie's split pants look was a bit different:

Tuesday's winner was KTP - allegedly suffering from a cold, which caused him to miss the previous evening's festivities - was this tantamount to cheating?:

NP's went to me and Syd, and Malcolm got the longest drive. Archie, Ken Malc and I had the best fourball score and the Majors again beat the Independents by two and a half to a half.

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