Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Handicap update

From http://bsvgolf.blogspot.com/

As the season nears its end, it appears that everyone still has much to do to achieve their targets for this season. Here's the up to date list (target in brackets):

Bhagrath, Jas (15) 17.0
Black, Ken 16.5
Cook, Archie (11) 12.2
Corbett, Dan (16) 19.7
Dring, Ian 9.9
Edwards, Dave 10.8
Freeman, Syd 5.1
Fulford, Steve 17.6
Grant, Gary (3) 4.6
Gray, Keith (14) 14.8
Gray, Les (10) 11.5
Grigor, Malcolm 8.5
McRae, Ian 13.8
McWhinnie, John 14.5
Meaden, John (14) 17.8
Meany, Nigel (18)
Miller, Bill 17.4
Moir, Gordon (8) 10.9
Page, Ken 15.0
Pollard, Rob (12) 14.7
Riches, Hugh (11) 13.0
Salter, Harry (9) 10.5
Sharp, Ian (10) 11.4
Simcox, Richard 28.0
Simpson, Jack (20) 23.8
Stewart, Ian (9) 10.4
Street, Peter (14) 17.0
Taylor, Dick (11) 11.4

and please don't whine again, Gary - we know you've been injured!

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