The bearded one forgot his camera again, so it was down to me for some "action" shots from last night - mostly long distance ones. Here's Keith and Dan considering their options on the 9th green:
Dick waits at the 9th, admiring the rainbow:
The stragglers at the 4th hole as we played the 10th - Steve seems to be leading Ken a merry dance:
Last, but not least, RP presenting the winner's ball to our man from the Black Isle:
Now the stats:
- Amazingly, all bar the evening's DoD improved their top 10 score
- Dan's 2nd win of the season
- Dick's 3rd DoD this season - prior to this, he hadn't had one since 2005
- Dan's 2nd 40-pointer this season brought our total up to a slightly more respectable 14
- It was the highest average score of the season - 35.5, but a CSS of 67 meant that stableford par was, effectively, 38 points and only two players bettered that
Ian Sharp's lead at the top was halved to 3 points, but no doubt he'll be there again next week to ease away from the chasing pack once more. However, in the interests of clarity, and in accordance with well established tradition, in the unlikely event of there being a tie on top 10 points for the Quaich, the established countbacks are:
- Number of weekly wins - if still level, then:
- Total points scored - if still level, then:
- Scratch points scored - if still level, then:
- Final night's score
I know, I know - I can hear you all already - most of these criteria would favour me. I'm sorry, but that's the way it's always been laid down. We did actually have a tie on points in 2008 - on that occasion, both Rob and Gary had two wins each so it went to total points scored, and Rob was rewarded for his honest endeavours in showing up every week.
We also had a very close-run event in 2003 when Dave Williamson (remember him?) came in with a stunning 44 point total on the last night, bringing him level with Les' Top 10 score. Dave was as relieved as Les was, however, when Les was handed the Quaich due to his 5 weekly wins that year to Dave's 2.
That's the rules - here's the what-ifs:
- If I were to score 38 points and Ian didn't better 35, then I would win on countback.
- If Keith were to score 40 points - and win - and Ian didn't better 35 and I didn't better 37, then Keith would win on countback.
- Ian D needs 43 points at least - assuming nobody else did much.
- John M needs at least 45 points.
- If Sharpy shoots 40 points again, we're all f....d!
As usual, all the grisly details available at
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